Christo Mulder Attorneys

Ignoring a court order because the court is wrong

When you are on the receiving end of a court order, it would be wise to obey the terms set out in it. Disobedience in terms of a court may cause a court to hold you in contempt of court. The consequences of the latter might be more severe than you expected – resulting in a criminal record perhaps or worse. A person can be held in contempt of court in both […]

Government administrators making wrong decisions

Occasionally, government administrations make decisions that people don’t understand or agree with. In cases such as these there are procedures to follow that ensures administrative justice. The Promotion of Administrative Justice Act allows you to have a say in matters that affect your rights. The Promotion of Administrative Justice Act of 2000 (PAJA) gives people […]

The A, B and C of service of legal documents

How are legal documents supposed to be served, and what is regarded as invalid service? Purpose of service of legal documents: The fundamental rule with regards to service is that the court must be satisfied that the defendant or respondent has received these documents and is therefore aware that legal proceedings are being brought against […]

What if you’ve been a victim of cybercrime?

In the modern age, more and more criminals are exploiting the speed, convenience and anonymity of the internet to commit a diverse range of criminal activities that know no borders, either physical or virtual, and cause serious harm to victims worldwide. In December 2016, cabinet gave the green light for a Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill […]

I have a serious complaint against my landlord

At times the relationship between landlords and tenants can become unstable. Perhaps you believe your landlord has treated you unfairly and you want to officially complain. The provincial Rental Housing Tribunals will help settle disputes between tenants and landlords. The Rental Housing Tribunals (RHT) is a free service that falls under the Rental Housing Act […]

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