The difficulty of choosing a guardian
No parent wants to think about giving their child over to someone else. The idea itself is enough to send many into full Liam Neeson Taken mode, refusing even the idea of their child being taken away from them to find a hold in their minds. But what is it’s not your child that is […]
Safeguarding children’s rights during divorce
Divorce and the resulting challenges regarding child custody and the responsibilities of parents can be an ugly and difficult process. This is especially true of the children whose emotional and physical wellbeing would have to be taken into account during the entire process. However, the office of the Family Advocate offers an efficient and free […]
Contracting with minors in a digital context
In this article, we examine whether contracts entered online by minors, using their parents’ credit cards, are legally binding in the specific context of social media such as Facebook. Both Common law and legislation deal with the capacity of minors who enter into different types of contracts. According to the Children’s Act, 38 of 2005 […]