Christo Mulder Attorneys

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Why a Notary? – Part 2

In Part 1 of this article, we looked at the roles and functions of a notary, especially their general duties. In this

When buying immovable property, the offer to purchase serves as an agreement between buyer and seller. Within this document, certain clauses demand

Rule 44(1) of the Uniform Rules of Court states that documents requesting a divorce or marriage annulment must be personally delivered to

Why a Notary? – Part 1

Clients often ask why certain documentation must be authenticated or certified by a Notary and not by a Commissioner of Oaths. To

The emergence of digital ghosts on social media Social media platforms have become integral to our daily lives, but what happens to

How the two-pot retirement system impacts expats. The much-anticipated two-pot retirement system, introduced as a ‘knight in shining armour’ for South Africans,

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